Tuesday 5 February 2013


This gorgeously shot short film manages to pull you in lots of different directions, move you, scare you yet also be delicate all in 15 minutes. Made by photographer David Field in 2013 in it is a mix of drama, fantasy and a little bit of horror thrown in too. It's good looks are due to David Field having a great contacts book and being able to call in favours from some acclaimed Hollywood visual effects and editing personnel. It has picked up nominations and awards for the team behind it worldwide.

THE CRUSH (2010)

The Crush is a short film by Michael Creagh that was nominated for the best short film oscar catagory in 2011 and won the Tibeca best short film catagory in 2010. It is a charming little film that explores what happens when an 8 year old boys crush on his teacher and a love of western films collide. Delightfully played and well shot it is a great live action short film.